Brad Wait Foundation 

The Brad Wait Foundation was founded in August 2017 in memory Bradley Bryan Wait, who lost his 31-month battle with brain cancer at the age of 42. A few weeks before Brad died, his old boss said, he would do a Golf tournament in Brads' memory. After the boss left, Brad said, "You be on top of that, Mom!"


7 years later, Brad Wait Foundation has given over $316,000.00 to local charities by holding Brad Wait Memorial Golf Events at Seymour Golf & Country Club.  The first Brad Wait Memorial Golf Tournament donated $100,000 to North Shore Hospice.


Brad Wait Memorial Golf Tournament, raffles and auctions have received tremendous support from family, friends, Seymour Golf & CC members, Brad's golf, hockey and business friends (and strangers).


May 2024 Brad Wait  Foundation gave the first Memorial Bursary to a Sutherland Student whose brother suffered with mental illness and took his own life.

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